国際セミナー ミッチェル・メソッド:体性機能障害の評価と治療のための包括的システム
11月22日~26日の5日間コース 東京
ミッチェル・メソッド 体性機能障害の評価と治療のための包括的システム
The Mitchell Institute for Advance Osteopathy と日本オステオパシー学会は、「ミッチェル・メソッド:体性機能障害の評価と治療のための包括的システム」を開催することになりました。
カイ・ミッチェル, BA, CMT, Dip.O.M.T. は、30年以上にわたり、父親のフレッド・L・ミッチェルJr., DO, FAAO, FCAとオステオパシー徒手療法診療所での活動を共にし、OMTの指導と普及に積極的に取り組んできました。また、父親との共著である「筋肉エネルギー・マニュアル」などのテキストの執筆も行っています。
現在は The Mitchell Institute for Advance Osteopathy の副所長であり、東京の日本オステオパシー学会、およびカナダはトロントにあるオステオパシー科学アカデミーで非常勤講師を務めています。
Course description
The Mitchell Method: A Comprehensive System for Evaluating and Treating Somatic Dysfunction
The Mitchell Institute for Advance Osteopathy and the Japan Osteopathic Academy are pleased to present The Mitchell Method: A Comprehensive System for Evaluating and Treating Somatic Dysfunction. This course is based on 3 generations of the Mitchell family’s cumulative clinical experience that outlines a recommended sequence, rationale, and approach for a thorough comprehensive head-to-toe musculoskeletal exam.The genesis of this course came as P. Kai Mitchell recognized that while Muscle Energy “Techniques” (MET) had been taught internationally for decades to manage a variety of specific somatic dysfunctions, no one had been given true insight into how Fred Mitchell, Jr., DO, FAAO, FCA put the pieces of together using MET as a framework to develop a rational system of evaluation and treatment which looks at the whole body. After 30 years of observing Mitchell, Jr.’s approach to evaluation, and then applying his own clinical experience in practicing his father and grandfather’s methods, P. Kai Mitchell felt a strong need to put this course together. What the student will learn is how MET is more than a collection of techniques… it also provides a comprehensive system and framework into which other Osteopathic modalities can be rationally integrated. Also to be included in this course will be some MET’s for evaluation and treatment of the upper extremities.
For over 30 years, Kai Mitchell, BA, CMT, Dip.O.M.T. has shared an Osteopathic Manipulative practice with his father, Fred L. Mitchell, Jr., DO, FAAO, FCA, been actively involved in teaching and advancing the practice of OMT, and has written several texts including The Muscle Energy Manuals, which he co-authored with his father. Through out his lifetime, Kai has also had the benefit of receiving training from some of the “Greats” of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy. He is the Assistant Director of the Mitchell Institute for Advanced Osteopathy, and also currently adjunct faculty at the Japanese Osteopathic Academy in Tokyo, Japan, and the Academy of Osteopathic Science in Toronto, Canada.
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